Warmtech is a specialist provider of solar hot water systems. We believe that solar energy can help you a home that is both energy efficient and a great place to live. Warmtech help you achieve this by providing the best service possible in the specification and installation of your solar hot water system.
Our products and installation methods are designed and installed in accordance with the clients' area building code, based on CE,SRCC,SABS standards.
We share a dream for a brighter future where our families are safe from the rising cost of power and all of us can work together to stop climate change.
The sun bathes the earth in an incredible amount of energy, in a day enough arrives to power the world for several years. We envisage solar systems on the roof of every building,connect with our house warm sytem, supplying clean power and achieving deep cuts in carbon emissions.
We are in business for a purpose: to help a cleaner world and a sustainable future .